Deploy Laravel Database into Hostinger (Shared Hosting)

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One sweet thing about Laravel Framework is that it enables you to quickly set up defined databases with a single command php artisan migrate. Since we are using shared hosting, we can not do this without the use of SSH. This can be done easily if you have up to 10 tables. It's straightforward so let's start:

1.  Open up your Hostinger PHPMyAdmin. Create a new database.
2. Change Laravel .env file according to the database that you have been created and change APP_DEBUG into False.

3. Export project database from your localhost. There are many ways to export your local database. For example, you can use PHPMyAdmin. At this moment I use mysqldump command to export my local database.

4. After exporting move over to your shared hosting and import the SQL file into Hostinger database that you have been created.

5. If all goes well, you should have your site working fine now. So go ahead and try it out.

keywords: Laravel, Deploy Laravel database, Deploy Laravel database to hosting, Hostinger, Laravel on Hostinger

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